Eat More Beets: The 6 Health Benefits of Beets

You might have come across beets in your local grocery store but decided to keep on walking and not add them to your cart.  Whether it was the way they look or from the amount of work that goes into cooking them, they just weren’t appealing. Perhaps, you’re just unfamiliar with these vibrant vegetables. However, are beets good for you? The answer is a resounding yes. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of beets.

Reducing Blood Pressure

Research shows that beets can help blood pressure levels drop, so they can significantly lower the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Beets have a high concentration of nitrates that are converted into nitric oxide. This compound dilates blood vessels, allowing a lower blood pressure. Drinking beetroot juice may also help regulate blood pressure.

Fighting Inflammation

If you’re wondering where beets’ red color comes from, it’s due to the phytonutrient called betalain, which can produce anti-inflammatory effects. Given that liver disease, heart disease, cancer, and obesity are linked to chronic inflammation, eating beets may help you combat these health conditions. One study showed an improvement in systemic inflammation for individuals with high blood pressure after drinking raw beet juice or eating cooked beets.

Enhancing Athletic Performance

Dietary nitrates present in beets may also help improve athletic performance. It does so by increasing the efficiency of mitochondria, which produces energy in the cells. Research shows that beetroot juice can improve endurance by enhancing cardiorespiratory performance and prolonging the time it takes to get exhausted, improving athletes’ efficiency.

Improving Digestion

Did you know that a cup of beet includes 3.8 grams of fiber? As fiber bulks up stools, it can help you maintain normal bowel movements. Your digestive health could improve, and you can avoid problems like inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, and constipation.

Promoting Brain Health

As we age, our brain functions also tend to decline. Beets may help you improve your cognitive functions through nitrates. These facilitate blood vessel dilation. As a result, blood flow to the brain could improve, boosting your brain. A study conducted in 2017 showed that beets may increase blood flow to the brain’s frontal lobe. This is linked to decision-making, memory, and other major functions.

Incorporating Beets Into Your Diet

You can easily add beets to your diet, enjoy delicious food, and stay fit and healthy. You can slice or grate them and even eat them raw. Moreover, you can steam, roast, pickle, or drink them as juice. To get plenty of nitrates, it’s best not to boil the beets given that dietary nitrates are water-soluble. You might also want to pick beets that are fresh enough with those green leafy tops.

If you’re preparing some salad, add grated beets to offer more color and make it more satisfying. You can also cook fresh beet leaves the way you cook spinach. Another way to incorporate them into your diet is to wedge and toss beets with some fresh herbs, salt, pepper, and your favorite spices.

For the juice, you might want to prepare it fresh instead of picking the ones in stores because they usually have a high sugar content.

Final Thoughts

From lowering blood pressure and boosting athletic performance to enhancing brain health, the benefits of beets are impressive. Want to add beets to your diet and create other healthy meals but don’t have enough time to do so? Take advantage of reliable plant based meal delivery in San Diego. At Plant Based Meals, we offer a subscription meal package delivered straight to your door weekly, which often incorporates beets. Subscribe now to enjoy the healthiest meals!