Top 3 Plant Protein Myths


Have you always wanted to try going plant-based but fear that you won’t get the right nutrients? You are not alone. It’s understandable for you to feel this way.

From reducing serum testosterone levels to causing vitamin deficiency, claims about plant protein abound. Some have merit to them. After all, no food — plant-based or otherwise — is complete in itself.

Unfortunately, however, the information that makes it to the public is often either unsubstantiated or is quick to exaggerate the shortcomings of plant protein.

In truth, opting for plant-based protein and coupling it with carbohydrate and fat sources will give you a balanced diet. So, if somebody you know is telling you to steer clear of plant protein, here are some common myths you should both be skeptical of!

Myth 1: It Is Impossible to Meet Your Protein Requirements With Plant Protein

A study done in 2020 evaluated the nutritional quality of plant protein relative to its animal-based counterpart. It acknowledged that plant protein contains fewer amino acids than animal protein.

Seemingly, the paleo and carnivore advocates had won the argument. However, the very same study pushed for a higher consumption of plant-based protein. Part of its recommendation was to increase the amount of plant protein to offset any protein deficiencies.

In short, it is possible to meet protein requirements. And, based on the existing research, it is a healthier way to meet protein needs. All you need to do is eat plant-based meals with a lot of plant protein.

Myth 2: Plant-Based Meals With Plant Protein Can Lower Serum Testosterone Levels

If you’re male, testosterone is something you need to keep as high as possible. Other than proper exercise, sleep, and hydration, diet plays a huge role in serum testosterone levels.

For the longest time, veganism has been associated with lower testosterone levels. However, as of late, research is showing that males on plant-based diets enjoy high levels of testosterone.

Other than elevating testosterone, plant protein also lowers inflammation. Perhaps, this is a good reason to switch to a vegetarian meal delivery service that preps satisfying and healthy protein-filled meals.

Myth 3: Plant Protein Will Leave You Unsatisfied

Of every myth out there about plant protein and other plant-based foods, this is by far the most far-fetched. However, for the average person, this is a myth that can be easy to believe.

After all, it is often true that plant protein or other plant-based products contain fewer calories per serving. Nonetheless, what most fail to consider is the fiber content of plant-based products, including plant protein.

Plant protein contains a lot of dietary fiber per serving. With enough fiber, you will not only stave off unwanted fat around your midsection but also feel satiated and full faster.

Get Your Plant Protein Fix With a Vegan Meal Delivery Service in San Diego

So, go ahead. Enjoy your soy burger and tofu steak! By indulging in more plant-based meals with protein, you will be eating your way to satiety and better health and body composition.

For a vegan meal delivery service that packs your meals with a lot of plant protein, call us at Plant Based Meals! Our weekly meal subscription provides you with easy, ready-to-eat meals!